Yemeni official: Iran Employ Houthi Militia to Threaten Security

Yemen’s Houthi Militias Commit 636 Violations in a Week : Human Rights Reports
Yemen’s Houthi Militias Commit 636 Violations in a Week : Human Rights Reports
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The Deputy Speaker of the Yemeni House of RepresentativesAbdulaziz Jabari confirmed that Iran is using the Houthi militia tothreaten the security and stability of the region and the shipping lanes, inBab al-Mandab strait.

During a meeting here today with the Director of ArabPeninsula Affairs, at the American National Security Council of theAmerican President of the White House, Alison Minor, he explained thatthe crimes of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia amount to war crimes asthey violate all norms and international laws and international humanitarianlaw.

He drew attention, according to the Yemeni News Agency,that the militia is plundering humanitarian aid, placing its opponents inprisons, detonating their homes, brainwashing children, spreading sectarian andideological toxins, and developing jihadist ideology by taking advantage of theeconomic conditions that families of imprisoned and recruited children by themilitia, go through, in the areas they control.

Jabbari called on the American administration to continueits pressure on the Iranian regime to stop destabilizing the securityand stability of Yemen and the region, alike, stop its support for the Houthimilitia and their submission to peace, and leave violence, to pave the way fortransformation to a political party through support of state institutions, inthe face of extremist groups.
