Violations by the Houthi Rebels in Yemen in creased by 28%: A Yemeni Human Rights Report

Yemen’s Houthi Militias Commit 636 Violations in a Week : Human Rights Reports
Yemen’s Houthi Militias Commit 636 Violations in a Week : Human Rights Reports
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A Yemeni human rights report monitored a sizable increase in the violations committed by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia against civilians in Al-Bayda Governorate, Yemen, it was reported here today.

The report issued by the Monitoring Center for Rights and Development spotted 674 violations during the year 2020, an increase of 28% compared with the year 2019.

The violations included 49 civilian deaths, 34 injuries and 399 kidnappings.

The report, published by the state-run Yemeni News Agency (Saba), also documented 79 cases of attacks on private property, 22 cases of destruction of homes, seven cases of attacks on public property, in addition to six cases of attacks on mosques. The report covered other cases of Houthi violations, including collection and looting of money and property, raids on commercial and banking stores and spying on the population, in addition to forcing government employees and teachers to attend sectarian activities of the Iranian-backed terrorist militia, and stopping work and plundering the charitable societies and institutions.
