Saudi’s Civil Aviation Concludes Air Transport Facilitation Workshop

Saudi Arabia’s Civil Aviation Authority launches of International Flights at King Abdulaziz Airport
Saudi Arabia’s Civil Aviation Authority launches of International Flights at King Abdulaziz Airport

The General Authority of Saudi Arabia's Civil Aviation (GACA) has concluded "Air Transport Facilitation" workshop, in cooperation with the Cooperative Program for Aviation Security – Middle East Branch, which is hosted and chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The workshop was held last week and lasted for a span of 5 days at the headquarters of the Cooperative Program for Aviation Security – Middle East Branch, in the capital city of Riyadh. The workshop was attended by 20 trainees, from GACA and the main international airports throughout the Kingdom. The workshop was presented by certified trainers from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and was aimed at shedding some light on the reasoning behind the historical background of international legislation stemming from the 1944 Chicago Convention. Furthermore, it went into details on understanding the importance of the facilitations given in the civil aviation sector.

It also reviewed and analyzed the standards and recommendations in Annex 9 – that deals with facilitations . This is in addition to knowing the role and responsibilities of the relevant authorities in the country, and understanding the mechanism of auditing and inspecting aspects of any facilities.
