Yemeni Government Welcomes Efforts Exerted by Saudi Arabia and Oman to Bring About Peace in Yemen

Yemeni Government Welcomes Efforts Exerted by Saudi Arabia and Oman to Bring About Peace in Yemen
Yemeni Government Welcomes Efforts Exerted by Saudi Arabia and Oman to Bring About Peace in Yemen
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The Yemeni Government welcomed the efforts being exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the UN and the international community aiming at earnestly dealing with calls for peace and alleviating the human suffering of the Yemeni people.

 In a statement, the Yemeni government renewed its welcome of all initiatives aimed at bringing about evenhanded and comprehensive peace, in accordance with the three terms of reference, the Gulf initiative, its executive mechanism, outcomes of the national dialogue and relevant UN resolutions, in a way that ensures an end to the coup, the restoration of state institutions, security, stability and development in Yemen.
