Neom McLaren Electric Racing Team Releases First AI Sticker for Racing Cars

Neom McLaren Electric Racing Team Releases First AI Sticker for Racing Cars
Neom McLaren Electric Racing Team Releases First AI Sticker for Racing Cars
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Using artificial intelligence techniques, the NEOM McLaren Electric Racing team has released the world's first car sticker designed for chassis of race vehicles, which was set to be posted on racing cars at the world championships organized by the International Automobile Federation (FIA), it was announced here today.

The sticker which was released yesterday at London Electric Car Race coincided with the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of founding the McLaren Racing team. The stickers were developed in collaboration between NEOM and McLaren Racing featuring the creative future design visions of the drivers Rene Rast, Jake Hughes and four members of the NEOM Graduate Development Program. The visions of the six participants were written as texts then converted into images and artistic designs that reflect the vision of all participants, and finally were merged into one design.

 McLaren Racing designers put the finishing touches on the final design who have put it as a sticker on the cars bodyworks.
