KSrelief Launches 2nd Phase of Taiz Orphan Sponsorship Project

KSrelief Launches 2nd Phase of Taiz Orphan Sponsorship Project
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The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) on Wednesday launched in Taiz Governorate, Yemen, its second phase of the Orphan Sponsorship and Empowerment Project, which offers school bags and provides sponsorships for education, livelihood, and health, benefiting 150 families.

Taiz Deputy Governor Dr. Abdulqawi Al-Mekhlafi commended the humanitarian efforts of KSrelief.

He expected these interventions to improve the living and social conditions of orphans, motivate their educational endeavors, and prepare them for the workforce. He praised the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its positions and efforts in humanitarian and developmental projects, with a special focus on strategic projects that benefit all residents of the governorate.

The project's goal is to economically empower 440 provider families and support orphans in Yemen. Sustainable job opportunities are created to ensure income security, and sponsorships are provided for livelihood, education, and health. It helps them deal with the financial impact of losing a family member.

Additionally, the project helps 1,300 orphans enroll in education.

These efforts align with the humanitarian work led by the Kingdom through KSrelief, focusing on orphans in Yemen.
