New Saudi center for artificial intelligence and national data management

New Saudi center for artificial intelligence
New Saudi center for artificial intelligence

Saudi Arabia—A Saudi royal decree was issued on Friday to establish a national center for artificial intelligence and national data management.

According to Supreme Decree No. (74167) dated 30 August 2019, the members of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Data and Artificial Intelligence to be as follows, Minister of Interior, National Security Adviser, Minister of Trade and Investment, Minister of Finance, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Minister of Economy and Planning, Chief of General Intelligence, and Head of State Security.

SaudiKing Salman bin Abdul-Aziz also issued a royal decree appointing Fahd Al-Essaas head of the royal court.

KingSalman bin Abdul-Aziz also ordered the establishment of a Ministry of Industryand Mineral Resources and named Bandar al-Khorayef as its minister in additionto the decree to transform "the Riyadh Development Authority" to a RoyalCommission in the name of "the Royal Commission for Riyadh".
