King Salman Chairs Saudi Arabia’s Cabinet Session

King Salman Chairs Saudi Arabia’s Cabinet Session
King Salman Chairs Saudi Arabia’s Cabinet Session

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman binAbdulaziz Al Saud chaired the Cabinet's session held at Al-Yamamah Palace hereon Tuesday.

The Cabinet reviewed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's progressamong 190 Economies in the World Bank's Women, Business and the Law 2020 Reportranking it as the top reformer and top improver among 190 countries around theworld, placing the Kingdom first among GCC countries and second in the Arabworld. The Cabinet added that that this comes as a result of legislativereforms of laws and regulations related to women, according to the Kingdom'sVision 2030 programs that contributed to supporting the implementation of thosereforms, enhancing women's role in economic development, and raising theKingdom's competitiveness regionally and globally.

The Minister of Media, Turki bin Abdullah Al-Shabanah,pointed out in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency after the session that theCabinet reviewed a number of reports on latest developments on regional andinternational arenas, stressing that the Kingdom is following with greatinterest current developments in the Eastern Mediterranean region andexpressing its keenness on security and stability there and its full supportfor the sovereignty of Cyprus over its territories. The Cabinet reiterated theKingdom's calling on all parties to abide by Security Council resolutions toresolve conflicts, to serve international peace, security and stability in thisregion.

The Minister of Media stated that the Cabinet reviewed theKingdom's assertion during the fourth session of the Arab Parliament held inCairo that its policy is based on the principles of peaceful coexistence andgood neighborliness, full respect for the sovereignty and independence ofstates, non-interference in their internal affairs, and its belief that theseprinciples are capable of resolving all conflicts, foremost the Arab-Israeliconflict. The Cabinet also reviewed the Kingdom's great attention to thePalestinian cause as its first issue, the Kingdom's efforts to ensure access topolitical solutions to crises in Syria, Yemen, Libya and Sudan, calling on allto take serious action to address all destabilizing foreign threats and interventionsand to move forward towards the aspirations of security, stability anddevelopment of Arab countries and their peoples.
