Houthi militia behind Aden airport terrorist attack, says UN report

A UN investigation team has held the Iranian-backed Houthi militia responsible for missile attacks on Aden airport that took place on Dec. 30, 2020, killing at least 28 people.
A UN investigation team has held the Iranian-backed Houthi militia responsible for missile attacks on Aden airport that took place on Dec. 30, 2020, killing at least 28 people.
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A UN investigation team has held the Iranian-backed Houthi militia responsible for missile attacks on Aden airport that took place on Dec. 30, 2020, killing at least 28 people.

The report was submitted last week to the UN committee that oversees Yemen-related sanctions, but Russia blocked its wider release; Reuters reported, citing diplomats who are privy to the matter.

The Houthi militia denied responsibility for the attack that targeted members of the internationally-recognized Yemeni government; who arrived at the airport for talks to form a new Cabinet as part of Saudi Arabia's efforts to unite its Yemeni allies.

According to the Reuters report, the diplomats did not elaborate on why Russia blocked the release of the findings.

The Russian mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment, the report said

At least 28 people died and dozens more injured in the attack; which the investigators claimed launched from two locations that were under the rebels' control at the time; the airport in Taiz and a police station in Dhamar, the diplomats said.

No Cabinet minister killed in the attack; but the casualties included government officials and three Red Cross staff.
