Food Security, Water Management at Center of G20 Agriculture and Water Agenda

Food Security, Water Management at Center of G20 Agriculture and Water Agenda
Food Security, Water Management at Center of G20 Agriculture and Water Agenda
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Fostering global food security and encouraging global collaboration to achieve water sustainability, through integrated management, came on top of the agriculture and water deputies' agenda.

Exchanging best practices to set food loss and waste targets, promoting responsible investment in agriculture and fostering resilient water systems were the main topics discussed at the first G20 Agriculture Deputies meeting hosted by the Saudi G20 Presidency.

During the two-day meeting, agriculture and water deputies from the G20 members, invited guest countries, and representatives from international organizations addressed the main challenges to food security and water management.

Deputy Minister for Animal Resources Dr. Hamad Al-Batshan and Deputy Minister for Water Dr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Shaibani, from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) chaired the meetings.

Achieving food security and resilient water systems are two of the greatest global challenges. Almost 800 million people suffering from hunger, and around 1 billion people still suffering from water scarcity.

The Saudi G20 Presidency will foster agreement on policies addressing the rising challenges in agriculture. They will also enhance efforts to tackle food security and water management challenges. As Saudi Arabia Focuses on people empowerment and safeguarding the planet as two of its aims,

The next Agriculture Deputies Meeting as well as the Agriculture Ministers Meeting will be held in March 2020.

Further information about the G20, including the Presidency Agenda and full program of events, can be found at
