Development of Aden airport will boost economic movement in Yemen, says Saudi Ambassador to Yemen

Development of Aden airport will boost economic movement in Yemen, says Saudi Ambassador to Yemen
Development of Aden airport will boost economic movement in Yemen, says Saudi Ambassador to Yemen

SaudiAmbassador to Yemen and supervisor of the Saudi program for the development andreconstruction of Yemen, Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jaber, confirmed that anincrease in the capacity of Aden Airport will be witnessed during theinauguration of the phase of the support provided by the program for thedevelopment of the temporary Yemeni capital, Aden.

Hesaid in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency that the program is a strategicinitiative from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the guidance of the Custodianof the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His RoyalHighness the Crown Prince to support the Yemeni government in providing basicservices to the Yemeni people and support infrastructure in Yemen and tosupport security, stability, peacebuilding, job creation, and macroeconomicsupport, adding that the Aden Airport project is one of the main projects thatit is being developed, after passing through very difficult conditions. It isan international airport, and the Houthi militia's control affected it. It isone of the main entrances to Yemen. "

AlJaber said that a team from the program visited the airport two months ago andidentified the needs in coordination with the Yemeni government and therelevant Yemeni authorities, stressing that the airport will be ready by theend of this year 2020, to be one of the international airports in the ArabianPeninsula, drawing attention to the fact that the first stage of equipment thatrelating to energy, safety, and transportation were carried out and inauguratedtoday, noting that within 90 days the air navigation, communications and runwayfacilities will be covered, so that the airport will be able to receive morepassengers, and this will raise and enhance economic movement, and the rest ofthe year will complete all necessary procedures, to include the airport within"ICAO" airports in addition to the commitment to apply the highestinternational standards.

TheSaudi Ambassador to Yemen stated that Aden Airport is not the only one that theSaudi program is working to rehabilitate and develop. There is also theAl-Ghaydah Airport in Al-Mahra Governorate (east of Yemen), which will behanded during the coming days, confirming that it was completed last year, bothwith regard to developing the infrastructure, communications and receptionhall, in addition to working at Marib Airport, indicating that the program hasreceived pricing from international and local companies that will beimplemented and will be announced during the month of January, and there isalso a joint Saudi-Emirati program that works to rehabilitate, operate anddevelop the port of Almekah later, in addition to the implementation of severalinfrastructure projects in various fields.
