325 violations recorded in Eastern Province inspection tours

325 violations recorded in Eastern Province inspection tours
325 violations recorded in Eastern Province inspection tours

Authorities in the Eastern Province carried out a total of 3,984 inspection tours; during the first week of the current month to ensure commercial entities are following health protocols. And that they are implementing COVID-19 precautionary measures.

There was a total of 207 violations in markets and malls, as well as 110 violations of overcrowding in malls; and 8 violations of overcrowding in workers' accommodations, SPA also reported on Monday.

The Eastern Province municipality carried out these inspections in addition to 30 joint tours to ensure the implementation of the protocols determined by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs in markets, malls and commercial centers across several cities and governorates in the region.

In all, it also disinfected and sanitized 4,302 sites. Besides, collecting 52,940 ton of household waste from neighborhoods, streets and public institutions.
