A breakthrough of Geo-tourism in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, a land of wondrous caves
Saudi Arabia, a land of wondrous caves

One of the charming tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia, especially for geological and environmental sights lovers, is its ancient caves, some of which date back to over 30 million years. The Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) has newly announced discovery of 15 archaeological caves, through its joint exhibition within the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Pavilion at the National Festival of Heritage and Culture in Ganadria 33.

Discoveringover 300 caves around the Kingdom so far, SGS stresses that caves areonly made open to the public after doing detailed tests and screenings of thecaves to make sure it's safe and viable to be a tourism site. It is expectedthat some of the discovered caves will be used in academic studies andscientific researches.

Saudi Arabia that is well-renowned for its vast deserts and variedterrains, hasthousands of historic caves that are considered a rare wealth that's highlyappreciated by geo-tourism enthusiasts and adventure lovers around the world. In pursuit of boosting tourism of geologicalattractions and landscapes in Saudi Arabia, SGS in cooperation with SaudiCommission for Tourism and National Heritage work on discovering new cavesalong with preserving the actually-discovered ones.

  • Ifyou are a spelunker, Saudi Arabia is your best destination

Caves have been always a best yet a mysterious destination for spelunkers, adventurers, and explorers. Saudi Arabia has a group of the most wondrous caves and grottoes in the world and here we mention some of the Kingdom's world-renowned caves.

Jabal Qara

Jabal Qara, A fifteen-year old natural wonder

However, some cavers wouldn't consider it a real cave, it is the most renowned in the country. Its most distinguishing feature is the auburn color. The cave is a mountain of combined sandstone, clay, marl, and sedimentary rocks with a considerable number of caves, caverns, and little shafts on top of it. Jabal Qara, which is 20 kilometers away from Hofuf city, is always cool regardless the high ambient temperature and conditions. When you go there, you should ask about Ali Baba's den.

Ain Heet

Ain Heet, the natural rock cavity with the purest water

Ain Heet cave, or Dahl Heet as locals is used to calling referring to the numerous sinkholes it has, is located about an hour away from the Kingdom's Capital, Riyadh. Containing a spring with the purest water, you may ever see, this cave is considered a perfect place for cave diving. Ain Heet that dates back to thousands of years, is formed of the anhydrite rock that resulted from the melting of rocks due to groundwater.

Abu Al-Hol

Abu Al-Hol, father of fear cave

If Jabal Qara is the most renowned cave in the country, Abu Al-Hol is known as the deepest cave in Saudi Arabia at a depth of 230 feet down from the ground level near to Al-Majmaah town. The base of the cave is about 330 feet in width with a number of smaller tunnels yet to be discovered.

Dharb Al-Najem

Dharb Al Najem, the Cave of the Fallen Star

Dharb Al-Najem cave, which is also located at the east of Al-Majmaah town, with a width of 100 meters. The most attractive part is to enjoy the view of light darts illuminating the cave despite being pretty deep. There is still a strong debate on the fact of this cave formation; some geologists do believe that it is just a natural sinkhole, while others assume that was mainly hit by a meteor with a crater of around 25 meters in diameter. 

UPM cave

UPM Cave

UPM cave, which takes its name from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, keeps at its base a massive of human and animal bones with a giant entrance and a boarder path, providing a matchless easy way to enter the cave with no need to any ropes or ladders. The main attractive specialty in this cave is the stalactite formations that are fully formed yet. 

Shuwaimis Cave

Shuwaimis Cave

Extending for about 530 meters, Shuwaimis cave is considered one of the longest caves in Saudi Arabia. It is located in the southwest of the Kingdom's Hail region. Shuwaimis Cave comes in third in length after Habashi Cave in Taif (581 meters) and Um Jarsan Cave in Khaibar (about 1,500 meters).
