Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Participates as Guest of Honor in New Delhi International Book Fair

Ajel News

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today inaugurated its pavilion at the New Delhi International Book Fair (NDIBF) where it is the guest of honor this year.

The event takes place through February 18 of this month in the Pragati Fair Square in the Indian capital, New Delhi.

Several Saudi entities led by the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission, are participating in the fair with the aim of highlighting the Saudi culture.

Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission CEO Dr. Muhammad Hassan Alwan stressed that Saudi culture and creativity have reached the world in various forms, adding that by participating in the NDIBF, the Kingdom seeks to foster dialogue between cultures and highlight the uniqueness and creativity of its culture, which is rooted in its ancient history.

Alwan said that the cultural entities participating in the Saudi pavilion will contribute to continuing the creative dialogue among peoples, in line with the Saudi Ministry of Culture’s goal of boosting cultural exchange, which is one of the goals the National Strategy for Culture seeks to achieve, as per the Saudi Vision 2030.

During the fair, diverse cultural programs will be carried out, including seminars and dialogue sessions in which Saudi writers will introduce national talents and creativity, and highlight Saudi culture.

Saudi music and performing arts, and dishes from various regions of the Kingdom will also be introduced on the sidelines of the event. The display of books and manuscripts at the pavilion will introduce the ancient cultural heritage of the Kingdom to the visitors at the fair.