Saudi Arabia

Guests of Custodian of Two Holy Mosques Program Visit King Fahd Quran Printing Complex in Madinah

Ajel News

The guests of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Program for Umrah and Visit, which is supervised by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawa and Guidance, visited today the King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex in Madinah.

During their tour, the visitors were briefed on the efforts made to preserve the Holy Quran, including the processes of printing, translation into multiple languages, review and verification processes, and distribution to Muslims around the world.

They expressed gratitude for the Kingdom’s efforts in serving the Holy Quran printing, publishing, and teaching, and they appreciated the complex’s efforts in distributing millions of copies of the Holy Quran to the entire world.

At the end of the visit, representatives from the complex gifted copies of the Holy Quran and its translations to the visitors.