
Saudi Arabia celebrates 5th anniversary of King Salman’s accession to throne


The people of Saudi Arabia and its residents are all set to celebrate on Saturday Nov. 30, the fifth anniversary of King Salman's accession to the throne as King of Saudi Arabia.

It's noteworthy that Salman was appointed minister of defense on Nov. 5, 2011 and before that he was the Emir of Riyadh Region for over 50 years.

Afterwards, King Salman was given the pledge of allegiance as King of Saudi Arabia on Jan. 23, 2015 corresponding to Rabee' Al-Akhir 3, 1436H.

This was after spending more than two and half years as Crown Prince and Deputy Premier. He was appointed Crown Prince on June 18, 2012.

Ever since King Salman took the reins, Saudi Arabia has been witnessing mega development projects across all the regions in the various economic, education, health, social, transport, communications, industrial, electricity, water and agricultural fields.

The accomplishments are diverse as they include initiatives, orders, and projects, among others.

All these are contributing to raising the status of the nation and its citizens, due to the belief of King Salman's government that the nation derives its strength from its sons and it is the strong arms of its sons that raise it to high levels.

In toto, these form noble accomplishments, which are characterized by comprehensiveness and integration in building and developing the nation, hence placing the Kingdom high among the advanced countries of the world.

In turn, the citizens are reciprocating with their love and loyalty as they are rallying behind their leadership.