
OIC Condemns Brazil’s Commercial Office in Jerusalem


The Organization ofIslamic Cooperation (OIC) expressed condemnation and rejection of Brazilmove to open a commercial office, in occupied Jerusalem (Al-Quds), saying thatsuch a measure contradicts the principles of international law and thedecisions of the UN Security Council, especially Resolution No. 478which stipulates an invitation to countries that established diplomaticmissions, in Jerusalem, to withdraw them from the holy city.

The organization alsoexpressed deep regret at the Brazilian government's change of its historicalpositions committed to international law and support for the legitimate rightsof the Palestinian people, and called on it, at the same time, to reverse thisstep, which is a biased one, towards the Israeli occupation and support for itsillegal policies aimed, at prejudice the legal and historical status of theoccupied city of Jerusalem, that would harm the relations and common interestsbetween Brazil and the OIC member states.