
MoH: 2nd dose to be delayed by 6 months if person contracts COVID-19 after first vaccine dose


Contracting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection after taking the first dose of anti-coronavirus vaccine; with a positive result of the coronavirus laboratory tests proving infection with the virus; will cause rescheduling of the appointment for the second dose; which will be given after the elapse of six months after recovering from COVID-19; the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced Friday.

As to mingling after the passing of 14 days from taking the first dose of the anti-coronavirus vaccine or completion of the doses by taking both the doses; in general; if the symptoms do not appear on the person; then it is not mandatory for the person to be quarantined; unless he is staying with large groups of people. Moreover; all must continue to comply with the precautionary measures; the Ministry of Health (MOH) disclosed.

In the case of the appearance of symptoms similar to those of infection with coronavirus; the person mingling with others must self-isolate and undergo laboratory tests.