
King Salman reassures Citizens and Residents in the Kingdom amid concerns of Coronavirus

Mahmoud Elassal1

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud delivered a speech to all people and residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"Praise to be to God and peace be upon His Messenger, My brothers and sisters, My sons and daughters the citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, peace and Allah's mercy be upon you." King Salman said.
"You are all aware, may God bless and protect you that the world is suffering due to the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus pandemic, may God protect us and the world from its harm.

We are living through a difficult phase of the world's history. However, we are completely certain that this phase will end and pass, despite its harsh and bitter difficulties, with belief in God's words: (Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease, Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease). This crisis will become a piece of history that proves man's defiance in the face of this hardship humankind is experiencing.

"Your nation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, continues to take all precautionary measures to confront this pandemic and limit its effects. We depend on the aid of God Almighty, then on deploying our full capabilities, supported by your strong determination to face adversities with the steadfastness of believers at the forefront".

The strength, steadfastness, determination that you have demonstrated during the honorable defiance of this difficult phase, and your full cooperation with relevant government agencies, are the most important contributing factors and pillars of the success of the state's efforts, which has prioritized safeguarding health and made it the state's top concern.

Therefore, rest assured that we are very keen on providing the necessary medication, food, and living necessities for citizens and residents of this blessed land.

All government sectors, led by the Ministry of Health, are doing all they can and taking all necessary measures to ensure the health of the nation's citizens and residents.

We express our gratitude to all the government entities for their devotion and dedication, and in that context, we would like to express our distinct recognition to the efforts of our health sector professionals who are dedicating great efforts to preserve and protect the lives of our citizens and residents, devoting their lives to overcome this critical stage.

We reaffirm that continuing this sincere and hard work at such a difficult time can't be achieved but with solidarity and collaboration, and by building on our positive spirits, further enhancing our individual and collective awareness, and strictly adhering to the instructions and guidelines provided to overcome this pandemic.

Dear Brothers and Sister, My Sons and Daughters You are well acquainted with my honesty in addressing public matters. That is why I started by saying that we are going through a difficult phase, as part of what the whole world is going through.

I will tell you as well that the coming phase will be more difficult on a global level to confront the rapid spread of this pandemic.

At the same time, I know that we will overcome hardships by believing in God, trusting His will, doing the deeds we have to do, and exerting and devoting all our efforts to protect the health and safety of humans and provide all the necessities required to ensure they lead decent lives, relying on your determination, the strength of your resolve, and your heightened sense of collective responsibility, may God preserve us and grant us all the best.

May God protect our country and the rest of the world, and protect humanity as a whole against all adversities.
Peace and God's blessings be upon you." The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques concluded.