
King Fahd Cultural Center in Sarajevo Conducts 436 Training Courses, 7 Educational Workshops in 2020

Mahmoud Elassal1

Saudi Arabia's King Fahd Cultural Center in Bosnia and Herzegovina, affiliated with the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, during 2020 conducted 436 training courses and seven educational workshops.

These programs are part of the center's message to spread Islamic sciences and culture, despite the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and exceptional procedures that led to suspending education and closing schools and educational and cultural centers, where the center had to limit some of its activities.

These remarks were mentioned in the annual report that the center issued about its top achievements during 2020, where the center was keen on developing human resources through holding training courses and workshops in administrative and life skills.

The implemented courses covered various fields, such as Arabic language, Arabic calligraphy, computer, mathematics and the Bosnian language.

King Fahd Cultural Center in Sarajevo is considered one of the biggest civil projects in the Balkans. It was established in 2000 and houses several facilities, the most important of which is the mosque that can accommodate more than 5,000 worshippers, as well as lecture halls, scientific library, gymnasiums, and Arabic language teaching labs.

The center also has educational classes to teach the Arabic language in the cities of Mostar and Travnik.