
Gulf Health Council Puts 5 Key Points to Life After Coronavirus


Mankind is going through an extraordinary experience at a global level. Countries are working to benefit from this stage and learning to become stronger and more resilient to all challenges.

The coronavirus pandemic has major social, economic, and health impacts on all societies; which required the Gulf Health Council (GHC) to issue guidelines and behaviors for post-epidemic life.

It stressed the importance of maintaining personal precautionary measures against infectious diseases as a lifestyle.

Five key points

The Council put five key points as guidelines for the return to normal life one the coronavirus crisis is over.

These are everyday life, work-life, school life, tourism, and places of worship.

Daily life represents the reoperation of public transportation and the reopening of parks, markets, restaurants, and gyms.

It also stressed the importance of social distancing, sterilization, personal hygiene as prerequisite conditions for the return to daily life routine.

Regarding public transportation, the Council identified a number of steps for drivers. These include wearing a face mask; avoiding the transportation of many passengers; putting a separator between them and passengers; as well as sterilizing and disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces.

Passengers were also given the same guidelines, as well as avoid using the front seat and cash pay.

A post was published on Sunday on the GHC's official account on Twitter including the detailed procedures.

In terms of the partial return to driving; the post mentioned a number of preventive measures, including the presence of a sterilizer in the car.

It requested drivers to avoid riding in the same car with others as much as possible and sterilize their hands before and after riding.

Awareness guidelines

The Council further identified awareness guidelines for the return of work life directed to employers and employees.

It highlighted the importance for employees to maintain safe distance, ensure good ventilation in closed places and companies, as well as hold meetings over the phone or in open places.

For those wanting to attend gyms, the Council urged them to use a "barrier," such as clothing or towels, between the skin and training machines or equipment and shower before and after using swimming pools.

School life was part of the guidelines, as the GHC recommended decreasing student gatherings. It urged students to sterilize their school tools and avoid borrowing others' and shaking hands with schoolmates.

In terms of traveling, it urged travelers to make sure there are sanitizer wipes onboard, avoid touching their face before sanitizing their hands, choose seats near the windows, and avoid corridors. It also urged old people and those suffering from chronic health conditions to postpone their trips.

For those attending places of worship, the GHC stressed they avoid shaking hands, sterilize their hands before and after touching the Quran and other books in the mosques.