
G20 Energy Ministers Promote Circular Carbon Economy


Energy Ministers of the Group of 20 major economies said Friday they have endorsed the Circular Carbon Economy Platform; as a tool to manage emissions and foster access to energy.

The ministers, who met under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia this week, issued a communique; in which they acknowledged the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) approach as a holistic,; integrated; inclusive; as well as pragmatic approach to managing emissions that aims to provide new pathways towards economic growth.

"We acknowledge that the CCE approach is a holistic, integrated, inclusive, and pragmatic approach to managing emissions that can be applied reflecting country's priorities and circumstances," they also said.

"By encompassing the broad range of pathways and options available it takes into account different national circumstances. While striving to meet our shared global aspiration; taking into account national and regional contexts, we will endeavor to explore various opportunities. This includes, the CCE Platform and existing G20 programs and initiatives. This is also to advance transitions towards affordable and reliable energy for all."

"Building upon previous comments made by the G20 Energy Ministers in past Presidencies, we also endorse the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) Platform and its "4Rs" framework (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Remove). While acknowledging and recognizing the key importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions," the G20 Energy Ministers declared after their second meeting this year.

Their first meeting was exceptionally on April 10; as a response to the coronavirus pandemic impact on the energy sector.