
Arab Foreign Ministers hold Extraordinary Virtual meeting

Mahmoud Elassal1

The extraordinary virtual session of the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers kicked off today at the request of the State of Palestine and under chairmanship of by the Sultanate of Oman, and in the presence of Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit, to discuss steps and measures that Arab states can take towards the danger of implementing the Israeli plan to annex the West Bank or parts thereof of the occupied State of Palestine since 1967, especially the annexation of the Palestinian Al-Aghwar and Area (C) of the West Bank.

Saudi Minister of State for African Countries Affairs Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Qattan participated in the session.

The session will discuss the seriousness of the statement of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in which he said that the decision to annex the West Bank is taken by Israel, in a new confirmation of the size of the American support for the expansion project in the occupied State of Palestine, which is considered an encouragement from the American administration to the far-right government in Israel to continue its aggressive policies by confiscating more Palestinian lands and building settlements and outposts.

It also confirms that the American administration is a partner in this aggressive scheme that contradicts international legitimacy resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Conventions and violates international law, belittles the international references for peace, foremost of which is the principle of land for peace and the principle of a two-state solution, and undermines the option of negotiations.

The session will also discuss ways to provide the Arab financial safety net to enable the government of the State of Palestine to face the damages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the aggressive Israeli measures that cause more losses, in addition to the confiscation of clearing funds by Israel.