
Arab Coalition Forces Command: Houthi terrorist militia launched a ballistic missile from governorate Saada

Ajel News

The Official Spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia launched a ballistic missile from the governorate (Saada /Sahar Directorate) on Wednesday afternoon (September 4, 2019) using civilian facilities as a launching site and it fell after its launching inside Yemeni territories in the governorate (Saada /Al-Safra Directorate).

Colonel Al-Maliki explained the continuation of Houthi militia in violating the international humanitarian law and its customary rules by launching ballistic missiles, indiscriminately falling on civilians and civilian facilities, their direct impact on population, and threatening the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians inside Yemen.

He stressed that the command of the joint forces of the coalition continues to take strict and deterrent measures to neutralize and destroy these ballistic capabilities to protect civilians inside Yemen and to protect regional and international security.