Saudis working with delivery service apps increased by 286% since Coronavirus


The number of Saudis working with delivery service apps increased by 286% since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis. This is according to the General Manager of Strategy and Development at the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) Nayef Sheshah.

Hadaf (Saudi Human Resources Development Fund) announced in April that it will launch an initiative to support Saudi nationals working in the delivery sector. This is through apps by presenting them with a monthly income of up to SAR3,000.

This initiative is part of the Fund's plan to localize this activity and to create new job opportunities. While maintaining the health precautions imposed by the authorities. It also works to alleviate the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis.

Asharq Al-Awsat toured with Hashem al-Qureshi, a Saudi national who is a father of two.

Originally, Qureshi is a public sector worker, but after the coronavirus crisis; he found himself working on one of the delivery apps in Jeddah. He helps delivering food and products to citizens who are in lockdown.

What is remarkable about Qureshi is that he is delivering orders from his luxury car. He says: "Work is fun, and rather a great improvement in income. I advise any young person to do this, and not to look at it with inferiority."

"Initially, I was apprehensive, given the rapid spread of the virus; the importance of sterilization; and not approaching others; but I was encouraged when I saw the precautionary measures taken by the state," Qureshi said.

"Most of the requests we receive are on food deliveries, and there are heavy precautions in place. Entering the restaurant is prohibited–we receive the product closed and sterilized, then we deliver it to the customer's front door, and we receive an e-payment without any paper handling. It is completely safe," Qureshi added.