Saudi nurse saves her neighbor by attending delivery at home


A branch of the Saudi Red Crescent Authority in the Northern Borders region recently honored Abeer Al-Anzi, a Saudi nurse; who saved the life of a neighbor by attending her delivery at home.

The neighbor sought Abeer's help by sending her daughter to call the nurse to her home; where she was alone and experiencing intense labor pain. The nurse rushed to her home and attended the delivery, thus saving the life of the woman and the newborn.

Abeer, who works at the maternity department of Arar City Hospital; said that the woman was not in a position to be taken to hospital at the time; when she reached her house as she was about to deliver.

Quick reaction

Immediately, she administered the delivery procedures and saved the mother and baby. Later, the Red Crescent volunteers came with an ambulance with the necessary medical instruments to cut the umbilical cord, and related procedures before taking the woman to a hospital.

The woman is a new occupant in our neighborhood; and hence she does not know that I am working as a nurse, Abeer said. "When her daughter came asking for help; the mother was out in the street screaming in pain and I brought her immediately back to her house. I went to her house without any equipment, and wrapped the baby in a blanket; although the placenta was still attached to the child, and it was large, so I put it on the child's chest and stomach, to keep him warm due to the extreme cold weather."

"After that, I did a massage for the mother's abdomen so that she did not bleed. I also cleaned the uterus until the ambulance team arrived and the delivery procedures were completed within 20 minutes. The Red Crescent team took her to the hospital," the nurse, Abeer said; adding that she felt immensely proud when the director-general of the Red Crescent called to thank her. Besides, suggesting her to work as a volunteer with the Red Crescent Authority.