Potential impacts of climate change on health


The world views the issue of climate change as the main issue facing the entire world, because of its importance that threatens the lives of millions around the world, as well as its environmental consequences that will affect the planet. In addition to the effects of climate change on the soil, there are health repercussions that threaten the survival of the planet.

Climate change, together with other natural and human-made health stressors, influences human health and disease in numerous ways. Some existing health threats will intensify and new health threats will emerge. Not everyone is equally at risk. Important considerations include age, economic resources, and location.

A 2015 study suggested that death rates are likely to rise, especially in developing countries, as temperatures and weather patterns continue to rise caused by global warming and climate dynamics.

The study indicated that rising temperatures; resulting from climate change will affect the lives of approximately 3.3 million people in South Africa alone.

The study indicated that there are many diseases associated with climate change, on top of which are climate-sensitive diseases; such as: malaria, dengue fever, leishmaniasis, and other diseases transmitted by disease vectors such as mosquitoes; climate changes have changed the natural environment and the places where these vectors spread.

Respiratory diseases

Climate change will certainly affect air quality and purity, which will affect the respiratory and circulatory system of humans; leading to the exacerbation of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and allergies. In addition to doubling heart problems among the most vulnerable groups, such as those with chronic diseases and the elderly.

Psychological health

Several studies have linked high or low temperatures to individuals' mental health; and thus affect all aspects of their lives, whether at the personal and social level, or in the work environment.

As it is obvious that degrees affect mental health, which is affected by either high or low temperatures.

Stimulating aggressive behavior

Numerous studies have demonstrated that extremely high temperatures can stimulate hostile behavior and may increase rates of violence between individuals, both in the short and long term.

As the high temperature affects individuals in a state of obsession and extreme anxiety, which may push some of them to commit crimes of domestic violence or outside the family.

Food poisoning

Among the repercussions of climate changes are the low quality and quantities of crops and agricultural production, which negatively affects the availability of food in general, and healthy food in particular, especially for the poorest groups, as successive changes in temperature have become a threat to the safety of food circulating among individuals in its stages. This is due to the acceleration of the growth of microorganisms that cause a large number of infectious diseases at high temperatures, especially food poisoning.

Parasitic diseases

Climate changes exacerbate water crises worldwide, especially in countries and regions with arid and semi-arid climates. Of course, water scarcity negatively affects human health; whether in terms of daily drinking water needs, or need for clean water necessary for hygiene, bathing and disinfection.

According to studies, the negative impact of water due to climate change means the spread of parasitic diseases; whether intestinal (such as: intestinal parasites such as ascaris and Fasciola), or skin (such as: scabies and lice).